Lawn Care Tips – Watering
In nature, the rain and precipitation are typically adequate to provide moisture for the vegetation and plant life. In drier months (summer), the vegetation and plant life may go into a dormant stage and appear to die only to spring back to life when rain and precipitation bring back the moisture back to levels needed for vegetation to grow and prosper.
Your yard lawn environment, however, is different than that found in wild. The soil composition and sloping in the urban landscape is artificially engineered for appeal rather than self-preservation. Furthermore, while the lawn may survive in hot and dry weather by going into the dormant stage, the dormant brown and dry lawn is not something that any self-respecting homeowner is proud to showcase to the neighbourhood.

Watering your lawn in summer when heat is high and precipitation is low, will allow it to continue to grow and look its best even when the environmental conditions do not support lush and vigorous growth. However, knowing when, how much and how often to water your lawn will make a huge difference and will save you money on your water bill.
Water your lawn just enough (not to much or not to little). If the precipitation is abundant you may need to water your lawn less frequently, if the weather is dry you may need to water your lawn more frequently with longer watering cycle. On average conditions, 1 inch of water is adequate, however sunny areas and high areas will need more. Shady areas on the other hand, will need less moisture as they loose less to evaporation. Areas around large trees and shrubs will need more water as the available moisture is being absorbed by root network of the larger tree or shrub. While not enough of water will cause your lawn to whiter and enter the dormant stage to much of water and moisture will create wet spots in your lawn which in turn are more prone to disease and mold to growth that can be damaging to your lawn.
Water early in the morning or late in the evening when sun and heat will not evaporate the moisture quickly before it is being able to reach thatch and root network that stores moisture and supplies your lawn with it when and where needed.
Water after mowing. Watering your lawn before you mow it will make grass clippings wet and sticky making it more difficult to mow and collect. Furthermore, wet soil will be softer and more easy to damage.
Beware of fertilizer and water in accordance with instructions provided to you. Liquid and granular fertilizer have different watering needs. Granular fertilizer needs to be watered to be available for absorption by the root network. If not watered soon enough, the granular fertilizer will burn lawn. If watered to much, the granular fertilizer will run off accumulating in lower areas where runoff accumulates. Liquid fertilizer used by Maxigreen is readily and more rapidly absorbed into the root system thereby being less prone to burn the lawn from either over or underwatering it.
Installing sprinkler systems (underground or overground portable) and properly setting up your timer for frequency and duration will aid in ensuring proper moisture is maintained within your lawn’s root network for lush green lawns all summer long. In absence of sprinkler systems, knowing when and how much to water your lawn will make a big difference in the appeal and health of your lawn all year round.